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React Form Comparison

Feature / Librarytanstack-formreact-hook-formformik
Core ConceptController-basedHooks-basedHooks-based
API SurfaceSimple and smallSimple and smallSimple and small
Sync/Async ValidationuseControlleruseForm and useControlleruseFormik
Error HandlingCentralized (useFormContext)Centralized (useForm)Centralized (useFormik)
Form State ManagementLocal (per form)Local (per form)Local (per form)
Field ArrayuseFieldArrayuseFieldArrayFieldArray
Form SubmissiononSubmithandleSubmithandleSubmit
Community & EcosystemGrowingLarge and matureLarge and mature
Official Documentationtanstack-form Docsreact-hook-form Docsformik Docs
  1. All libraries support JavaScript and have plugins for additional functionality.
  2. The community and ecosystem size can vary over time.
  3. The comparison is based on the latest stable versions of the libraries at the time of writing.
  4. This table focuses on the core features of each library; additional features may be available with plugins or extensions.