Redux Middlewares
Redux Thunk
Redux Thunk is a middleware that lets you write action creators that return functions instead of plain action objects. It is essentially a lightweight solution for handling simple asynchronous tasks, often used with fetch
or axios
to make API calls.
Redux Saga
Redux Saga is a middleware that uses generator functions to manage side effects in Redux, particularly complex async flows. It operates on the concept of “sagas,” which are like background processes running parallel to your application, managing effects and timing.
Redux Query
Redux Query (like RTK Query, which is often recommended) is a library specifically designed for data fetching and caching in Redux applications. It manages data fetching, caching, and updating Redux state without requiring custom middleware or a large amount of boilerplate.
Sample applications
- To-Do List: Redux Query (RTK Query) for simplicity and caching. Redux Thunk as an alternative for straightforward async handling.
- Task Management: Redux Saga for complex workflows and real-time interactions. Redux Query if focused mainly on CRUD data fetching.
- Product Management: Redux Saga for advanced business logic and workflows, especially if updates are complex and interconnected.
- Booking System: Redux Saga for complex workflows (availability checks, payments, real-time needs). Redux Query if primarily concerned with data fetching and caching.
General Guidelines
If your app’s main challenge is data fetching and state management without much interdependency, Redux Query (RTK Query) can simplify a lot of boilerplate. For projects with complex workflows, Redux Saga will offer the control and flexibility you need to handle these flows reliably. Redux Thunk works best in simpler cases or if you already have a strong preference for a lightweight solution.
- Redux thunk: Use for simple async tasks or small projects where you don’t need complex workflows or data caching.
- Redux Saga: Best for complex workflows, parallel tasks, and intricate business logic that require high control.
- Redux Query: Ideal for data-heavy applications where caching, efficient data fetching, and automated state updates are priorities.