Elastic Search
ElasticSearch is a powerful, distributed search and analytics engine designed for working with large datasets. It's commonly used for log and event data, full-text search, and analytics. To use it effectively, you need to understand how to interact with its RESTful API, structure your data properly, and optimize your queries. Here's a step-by-step guide on getting started:
- Single Node Installation: If you're testing locally, you can download and run ElasticSearch directly on your machine.
- Download it from the official Elastic website.
- Unzip the downloaded file and run it with
(Linux/Mac) orbin\elasticsearch.bat
- Docker Installation: For a more isolated setup, you can use Docker:
docker pull docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:8.0.0
docker run -p 9200:9200 -e "discovery.type=single-node" elasticsearch:8.0.0
Understand the Core Concepts
- Index: Like a database table, where you store documents of similar nature.
- Document: A single record or JSON object stored in an index.
- Field: Each attribute within a document, like a column in a relational database.
- Cluster and Node: ElasticSearch can run as a single node or a cluster with multiple nodes for better scalability.
Indexing Data (Storing Data)
ElasticSearch stores data in JSON format. Here’s an example of indexing (adding) a document to an index:
- Create or Use an Index:
PUT /my_index
- Add a Document:
POST /my_index/_doc/1
"title": "The Great Gatsby",
"author": "F. Scott Fitzgerald",
"published_year": 1925
Querying Data
ElasticSearch offers several types of queries:
- Match Query: Searches for documents that contain specific terms in a field.
GET /my_index/_search
"query": {
"match": { "title": "Gatsby" }
} - Term Query: Looks for exact matches, often used for fields with exact values (like IDs).
GET /my_index/_search
"query": {
"term": { "author": "F. Scott Fitzgerald" }
} - Range Query: Searches within a numeric or date range.
GET /my_index/_search
"query": {
"range": {
"published_year": { "gte": 1900, "lte": 1950 }
Updating Documents
You can update existing documents using the update
POST /my_index/_update/1
"doc": {
"title": "The Great Gatsby - Updated"
Deleting Documents
- Delete a Document:
DELETE /my_index/_doc/1
- Delete an Index:
DELETE /my_index
Analyzing Data
ElasticSearch has an analysis engine for handling text searches, including tokenizers, analyzers, and filters to process text data.
- Analyzers: These break text into terms and normalize it, enabling full-text search.
- Aggregation Queries: Useful for analytics and reporting, aggregations allow you to group and analyze data, such as counting, averaging, and histogram creation.
GET /my_index/_search
"aggs": {
"by_author": {
"terms": { "field": "author.keyword" }
Monitoring and Scaling
- Kibana: ElasticSearch integrates well with Kibana, which provides a dashboard and data visualization features.
- Scaling: ElasticSearch is designed to scale horizontally, meaning you can add nodes to distribute the data and load across the cluster.
Use Cases
ElasticSearch is highly flexible and supports various applications:
- Log and Event Data Analysis: Storing and analyzing logs from applications.
- Real-time Data Analysis: Aggregating and analyzing data in real time, e.g., monitoring performance metrics.
- E-commerce Search: Enabling fast, accurate product searches with filters, faceting, and auto-suggestions.
- Full-text Search: Implementing search functionality for websites, blogs, or documents.
Sample Walkthrough
Here's a simple sequence that combines multiple operations:
- Create an index:
PUT /library
- Index a book:
POST /library/_doc/1
"title": "1984",
"author": "George Orwell",
"year": 1949
} - Search by author:
GET /library/_search
"query": {
"match": { "author": "Orwell" }
} - Aggregate by publication year:
GET /library/_search
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"years": {
"terms": { "field": "year" }