Position in HTML
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Other tags -->
<!-- <script>
function myFunction() {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Paragraph changed.";
</script> -->
<p id="demo">A Paragraph</p>
<button type="button" onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>
<!-- Recommend put in here, before body end tag -->
function myFunction() {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Paragraph changed.";
<!-- use JavaScript file with src -->
<script src="./script.js"></script>
var a = "a"; // for old browser like IE
let b = 1; // flexiable value
const C = Math.PI; // constant - can not change
// Literals (fixed value): 1, 2.5, -10, "some text"
// Variables: a, b, C
Scope | Redeclare | Reassign | Hoisted | Binds this | |
var | x | x | x | x | |
let | x | x | |||
const | x |
and Object
assign with const
can update, but can't reassign
Variable's name
Start with (A-Z) (a-z) $ _
- Allowed:
- Not allowed:
- Number `+ - * / % **`
- Assignment `= ++ += -- -= *= /= %=`
- String `+ +=`
- Bitwise (can assign like `<operator>=`)
- And `&`
- Or `|`
- Not `~`
- Xor `^`
- shift `<<` `<<<` `>>` `>>>`
- value
- `==` `!=`
- `>` `>=`
- `<` `<=`
- type & value
- `===` `!==`
- `, v2)`
- logical `!` (not) `&&` (and) `||` (or)
- ternary `(condition) ? (value if true) : (value if false)`
- type
-> `typeof param` -> type
-> `instanceof param === ObjectType` -> true | false
- Coalescing (ES2020)
-> `let val = pi ?? 3.14;`
=> `let val = (pi !== null && pi !== undefined) ? pi : 3.14;`
- Optional Chaining (ES2020)
-> `let currentAge = user?.age;`
=> `let currentAge = (user !== null && user !== undefined) ? user.age : undefined`
=> Note: this operators avoid error when object user is null or undefined
Special zone
!"" == !0 == !null == !undefined == true
![] == !{} == false
condition && value
-> condition === true ? value : undefined
value || defaultValue
-> !!value ? value : defaultValue
Data Types
- undefined
- boolean -> true | false
- number
- string
-> 'single quote'
-> "double quote"
-> Template Strings (ES6): `some ${value} here!` => dynamic value
-> String as Object: `let strObj = new String("hi!");`
- object
-> null - ???
-> {}
-> [] `['value 1', 'value 2'] -> { 0: 'value 1', 1: 'value 2' }`
-> Date
-> Set
-> Map
- function
- Symbol (ES6)
- Bigint (ES2020)
"John".constructor // function String() {[native code]}
(3.14).constructor // function Number() {[native code]}
false.constructor // function Boolean() {[native code]}
[1,2,3,4].constructor // function Array() {[native code]}
{name:'John',age:34}.constructor // function Object() {[native code]}
new Date().constructor // function Date() {[native code]}
function () {}.constructor // function Function(){[native code]}
Number & BigInt
const a1 = 10;
const a2 = 10.23;
const a3 = 123e5; // 123 * 10^5 = 12 300 000 // exponent
const a4 = 123e-5; // 123 * 10^(-5) = 0.00123
const a5 = 100 / "thing"; // NaN (Not a Number)
const a6 = 2 / 0; // Infinity; also has -Infinity
const a7 = 0xFF; // hexadecimal - F * (16^1) + F * (16^0) = 15 * 16 + 15 * 1 = 255
const a8 = new Number(123) // object - not recommend
// constant
Number.EPSILON; // (1 + 1/n) ^ n
Number.MIN_VALUE; // Min number posible in JS
Number.MAX_VALUE; // Max number posible in JS
// methods
a1.toString(base?); // base: 2, 8, 10 (default), 12, 16, 32
a1.toExponential(count); // Exp: (2.5).toExponential(4) -> 2.5000e+0
a1.toFixed(count); // Exp: (1234.5678).toFixed(2) -> 1234.56
a1.toPrecision(len); // Exp: (1234).toPrecision(2) -> 1.2e+3 | (1234).toPrecision(6) -> 1234.00
// Convert with global JavaScript methods
Number(val); // Note: Number(new Date('1970-01-01')) -> 0; parse date will calculate from 00:00:00 01/01/1970
let x = 1234567890123456789012345n; // n mark for BigInt
let y = BigInt(1234567890123456789012345);
typeof x; // 'bigint'
// ES6 constants
// ES6 methods
Number.isSafeInteger(num); // safe in range (note)
- Range of number:
-(2^53 - 1)
to+(2^53 - 1)
- Numbers are Always 64-bit Floating Point (the international IEEE 754 standard)
- This format stores numbers in
bits- The number (the fraction) is stored in bits
0 to 51
- The exponent in bits
52 to 62
- The sign in bit
- The number (the fraction) is stored in bits
- Integers (numbers without a period or exponent notation) are accurate up to 15 digits.
- Arithmetic between a
and aNumber
is not allowed (type conversion lose information). - Unsigned right shift (>>>) can not be done on a
(it does not have a fixed width). - A
can not have decimals.
function funcNoParams() {}
function add2Nums(a, b) {
return a + b;
function logAll(all = "nothing") {
// default parameters introduce in ES2015
// (ES6) This is function, too! Should use as callback
const arrowFunc = () => {};
const arrowFuncWithParams = (params = "ok") => {
// call
add2Nums(1, 2); // return 3 but not log
logAll(); // log "nothing"
logAll("all"); // log "all"
arrowFuncWithParams(); // log "ok"
// Assign
const iCanAdd2Nums = add2Nums; // now iCanAdd2Nums -> function
console.log(iCanAdd2Nums(1, 3)); // log "4"
// Hoisted - function push on top when program start
sum(1, 1); // run normally
function sum(a, b) {
return a + b;
// Immediately Invoked Function Expressions
(function () {
let x = "Hello!!"; // I will invoke myself
// Function -> Object
function myFunction(a, b) {
return arguments.length; // [a, b] -> 2
// Constructors
function Person(first, last, age, eye) {
this.firstName = first;
this.lastName = last;
this.age = age;
this.eyeColor = eye; = function () {
return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
// Closures - High Order Function
const add = (function () {
let counter = 0; // private, user don't know this
return function () {
counter += 1;
return counter;
// After run self-invoking (only 1 time)
// -> add = function() { counter += 1; return counter; };
// NOTE: counter start with 0, call add() will increase
Arrow function
- Not have own
- Arrow function not hoisted -> Define before call
// call, apply
const person = {
fullName: function () {
return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
information: function (city, country) {
return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName + "," + city + "," + country;
const person1 = {
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
};; // John Doe - person (this) -> person1, now person1 is "this", "Oslo", "Norway"); // Oslo + Norway are extra arguments
person.information.apply(person1, ["Oslo", "Norway"]); // apply use array instead of arguments separately
// bind - borrow function
const person = {
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
fullName: function () {
return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
display: function () {
let x = document.getElementById("demo");
x.innerHTML = this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
const member = {
firstName: "Hege",
lastName: "Nilsen",
let fullName = person.fullName.bind(member); // Hege Nilsen - current "this" of person in function is "this" of member
// Use bind in callback
setTimeout(person.display, 3000); // undefined undefined - current "this" is window
const display = person.display.bind(person); // point current "this" is person
setTimeout(display, 3000); // John Doe
const person = {
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
id: 5566,
fullName: function () {
// anonymous function
return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
// get
person.firstName; // John
person["lastName"]; // Doe
person.fullName(); // John Doe
person.age; // undefined
person.action(); // Error
// set = 1234;
person.action = function () {
}; // now you can use persion.action()
// check
"id" in person; // true
const user1 = { name: "A", age: 20 };
const user2 = user1; // user1 === user2
const user3 = { name: "A", age: 20 }; // user1 !== user3 && user2 !== user3 (diff address)
// Update same object
user2.age = 21; // -> user1['age'] = 21 = "B"; // -> user2['name'] = 'B'
// Nested Objects
const myObj = {
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
age: 30,
cars: [
{ name: "Ford", models: ["Fiesta", "Focus", "Mustang"] },
{ name: "BMW", models: ["320", "X3", "X5"] },
{ name: "Fiat", models: ["500", "Panda"] },
getInformation: () => this.firstName + " - " + this.age, // this -> myObj. Using: myObj.getInformation()
// ES5 Feature: Accessors (get + set) -> support behind the sences
get fullname() {
return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName; // using: myObj.fullname
set exactAge(yearBorn) {
this.age = new Date().getFullYear() - yearBorn; // this.exactAge = 2001; -> age = 2024 - 2001
Object.create(); // {} - new Object, better use literals object like: const newObj = {}
Object.keys(myObj); // ['firstName', 'lastName', 'age', 'cars', 'getInformation', 'fullname', 'exactAge']
{ name: 'Ford', models: [Array] },
{ name: 'BMW', models: [Array] },
{ name: 'Fiat', models: [Array] }
[Function: getInformation],
'John Doe',
undefined // setters
const obj = { counter: 0 };
Object.defineProperty(obj, "reset", {
get: function () {
this.counter = 0;
}); // object.reset
Object.defineProperty(obj, "add", {
set: function (value) {
this.counter += value;
}); // object.add = x; -> counter += x;
// Protect
Object.seal(object); // Prevents changes of object properties (not values)
Object.isSealed(object); // Returns true if object is sealed
Object.freeze(object); // Prevents any changes to an object
Object.isFrozen(object); // Returns true if object is frozen
Why using Getters & Setters?
- It gives simpler syntax
- It allows equal syntax for properties and methods
- It can secure better data quality
- It is useful for doing things behind-the-scenes
Tips & tricks
- Clone object:
const newObj = { ...oldObj };
- Check object has props:
prop_name in {} -> boolean
const cars = ["Saab", "Volvo", "BMW"];
// Getter
cars[1]; // Volvo
cars.length; // 3
// Setter
cars[2] = "Toyota"; // ["Saab", "Volvo", "Toyota"]
cars[4] = "Tesla"; // ["Saab", "Volvo", "Toyota", undefined, "Tesla"]
// Methods
cars.toString(); // Saab,Volvo,BMW
cars.sort(); // ["BMW", "Saab", "Volvo"]
Array.isArray(cars); // true
typeof cars; // "object"
const animals = ["dog", "cat", "duck", "chicken"];; // chicken - (ES2022) works like animal[index] but allow negative
animals.join(", "); // "dog, cat, duck, chicken"
animals.concat(["fish", "renekton", "shark"]); // return ["dog", "cat", "duck", "chicken", "fish", "renekton", "shark"]
animals.concat("fish", "renekton", "shark"); // same above
animals.pop(); // Remove + return end animal (chicken)
animals.push("monkey"); // Add new animals at the end + return new length of array
animals.shift(); // Remove + return first animal (dog)
animals.unshift("snake"); // Add new animals at the start + return new length of array
[].slice(start, end?); // Return new Array copy from original array
[].splice(start, length?, ...items?);
/* this method can use to insert middle
- Exp: animals.splice(2, 0, "bird", "penguin") -> ["dog", "cat", "bird", "penguin", "duck", "chicken"]
- Return array includes delete items
[].toSpliced(start, length?, ...items?);
/* this method works like splice but keep original array
- ES2023
- Return new array
const computer = ["monitor", "mouse", "keyboard", "speaker"];
// Search
computer.indexOf("mouse"); // 1 - indexOf(item, start?)
computer.indexOf("paper"); // -1
computer.lastIndexOf("mouse"); // 1 - same indexOf but reverse search
computer.includes("speaker"); // true (ES2016)
computer.find(i => i.length > 5);
/* Structure: [].find((item, index, currentArray) => boolean)
- Result (Exp): "monitor"
- Return first item match
- ES6
computer.findIndex(i => i === 'mouse'); // 1 - structure like above feature (ES6)
// Sort
[].sort((a, b) => {}); // custom sort
// Iteration
[].forEach((item, index, currentArray) => {});
[].map((item, index, currentArray) => any[]); // return new Array + keep original array
[].filter((item, index, currentArray) => boolean); // return new Array + keep original array
[].reduce((preValue, item, index, currentArray) => newValue, initialValue);
[].reduceRight((preValue, item, index, currentArray) => newValue, initialValue); // right-to-left
[].every((item, index, currentArray) => boolean);
// Return true if all items pass conditions.
// Exp: ["Anna", "Daniel", "Keth"].every(i => i.includes('a')) -> false
[].some((item, index, currentArray) => boolean);
// Return true if any item pass conditions.
// Exp: ["Anna", "Daniel", "Keth"].some(i => i.includes('a')) -> true
// Array Spread (ES6)
const q1 = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar"];
const q2 = ["Apr", "May", "Jun"];
const q3 = ["Jul", "Aug", "Sep"];
const q4 = ["Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
const year = [...q1, ...q2, ...q3, ...q4];
// ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
// Rarely use
[].copyWithin(indexOverwrite, indexStartCopy?, indexEndCopy?); // arr copy same length (can have diff values)
[].toSorted(); // ES2023 - return new Array + keep original array
[].toReversed(); // ES2023 - return new Array + keep original array
[[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]].flat(); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] (ES2019)
[].flatMap((item, index, currentArray) => any[]); // [].map().flat() (ES2019)
[].with(index, replace); // return new Array with replace item + keep original array
Array.from("text"); // ["t", "e", "x", "t"] (ES6)
// Should use only in object
["a", "b", "c"].keys(); // [0, 1, 2]
["a", "b", "c"].entries(); // [[0, "a"], [1, "b"], [2, "c"]]
- Arrays are a special kind of objects, with numbered indexes.
- Array random order:
[].sort(() => 0.5 - Math.random());
// Using
new Date() // current time
new Date(date string) // '2024-04-12T14:00:00'
new Date(year,month)
new Date(year,month,day)
new Date(year,month,day,hours)
new Date(year,month,day,hours,minutes)
new Date(year,month,day,hours,minutes,seconds)
new Date(year,month,day,hours,minutes,seconds,ms)
new Date(milliseconds)
// Methods
const dd = new Date('2024-4-32'); // Invalid Date - instanceof Date
const d = new Date('2024-4-12'); // 2024-04-12T00:00:00.000Z
d.toString(); // Fri Apr 12 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
d.toDateString(); // Fri Apr 12 2024
d.toUTCString(); // Fri, 12 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT
d.toISOString(); // 2024-04-12T00:00:00.000Z
Math.round(4.4); // 4 - rounded to nearest integer
Math.round(4.5); // 5
Math.ceil(4.4); // 5 - rounded up
Math.floor(4.6); // 4 - rounded down
Math.trunc(4.1); // 4 - get integer part
Math.trunc(4.9); // 4 (ES6)
Math.sign(x); // -1: negative, 0, 1: positive (ES6)
// Calculate
Math.pow(a, b); // a ^ b
Math.sqrt(x); // x ^ (1/2)
Math.abs(x); // |x|
Math.min(...numbers); // min in list
Math.max(...numbers); // max in list
Math.random(); // value from 0 -> 1. Exp: 0.026311254760328362
// Ternary
const variable = condition ? value_if_true : value_if_false;
// If else
if (condition1) { }
else if (condition2) { }
else { }
// Switch Case (use ===)
switch(value) {
case type1: // or case type1, type2:
case type2:
// handle
break; // or return
case type3:
// handle
break; // or return
// handle if value not same any type
break; // or return
// try catch
try {
// handle
} catch(error) {
// handle if try has error
} finally {
// always handle, it can skip
// Exp: for(let i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {}
// Loop with count, arr length, can use break | continue inside
for (let v = start; v_conditions; v_update) {
// handle
for (key in object) {
// { firstName: Vo, lastName: Phi, birth: 2001 }
// -> loop: firstName >> lastName >> birth
for (value of []) {
// for of suit with
// - Array
// - String
// - Set
// - Map >> [[k1, v1], [k2, v2], ..., [kn, vn]]
while (condition) {
// do it util fail condition
do {
// call 1 time before check condition
// do it again util fail condition
} while (condition);
const s = new Set([12, 23, 34, 23, 25]); // Set(4) { 12, 23, 34, 25 }
s.size; // 4
s.add(44); // 12, 23, 34, 25, 44
s.delete(23); // 12, 34, 25, 44
s.has(23); // false
s.forEach((i) => {});
s.values(); // use in loop for of
const fruits = new Map([
["apples", 500],
["bananas", 300],
["oranges", 200],
fruilt.size; // 3
fruilt.set("mango", 400);
fruilt.get("bananas"); // 300
fruits.delete("apples"); // remove apples
fruits.has("apples"); // false
fruits.forEach((key, value) => {});
fruits.keys(); // ["apples", "bananas", "oranges"]
fruits.values(); // [500, 300, 200]
fruits.entries(); // use in loop for of, item is [key, value]
fruits.clear(); // remove all
- Has garbage-collection system
- A collection of key/value
- Key is
type - Just
- When a key is deleted, its gone!
- Find more
const wm1 = new WeakMap();
const wm2 = new WeakMap();
const wm3 = new WeakMap();
const o1 = {};
const o2 = function () {};
const o3 = window;
wm1.set(o1, 37);
wm1.set(o2, "azerty");
wm2.set(o1, o2); // a value can be anything, including an object or a function
wm2.set(o2, undefined);
wm2.set(wm1, wm2); // keys and values can be any objects. Even WeakMaps!
wm1.get(o2); // "azerty"
wm2.get(o2); // undefined, because that is the set value
wm2.get(o3); // undefined, because there is no key for o3 on wm2
wm1.has(o2); // true
wm2.has(o2); // true (even if the value itself is 'undefined')
wm2.has(o3); // false
wm3.set(o1, 37);
wm3.get(o1); // 37
wm1.has(o1); // true
wm1.has(o1); // false
- Alone -> global object.
- In an object method -> object.
- In a function -> global object.
- In a function, in strict mode ->
. - In an event -> the element that received the event.
- Methods like
, andbind()
can refer this to any object.
export const season = "Summer";
export const year = 2024;
// or
const season = "Summer";
const year = 2024;
export { season, year };
// default
const getMyAge = (birthYear) => currentYear - birthYear;
export default getMyAge;
import { season, year } from "./somefiles";
import getMyAge from "./somefiles2"; // default
"employees": [
{ "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe" },
{ "firstName": "Anna", "lastName": "Smith" },
{ "firstName": "Peter", "lastName": "Jones" }
const listEmployee_string = JSON.stringify(employees);
const listEmployee_object = JSON.parse(employees);
JSON weird things
JSON.stringify(null) -> 'null'
JSON.stringify(undefined) -> undefined
Class (ES6)
- A JavaScript class is not an object.
- It is a template for JavaScript objects.
class Car {
constructor(brand, year) {
this.brand = brand;
this.year = year;
present() {
return "I have a " + this.brand;
class Model extends Car {
constructor(brand, year, model) {
super(brand, year); // Car's contructors
this.model = model;
show() {
return this.present() + ", it is a " + this.model;
const car1 = new Car("Ford", 2014);
const car2 = new Model("Ford", 2014, "Mustand");
// Class with getter & setter
class Car {
constructor(brand) {
this._carname = brand;
get carname() {
return this._carname;
set carname(x) {
this._carname = x;
// static - using: Car.wheels | Car.welcome('Xiaomi')
static wheels = 4;
static welcome(text = "Vinfast") {
return "Welcome to " + text;
Promise & Async
// Promise
const myPromise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// someThing
if(ok) resolve();
else reject();
// Promise.all
const myPromises = Promise.all([promise1, promise2, ..., promiseN]);
// async + await
async function () { // return Promise<?>
let result = await myPromises;
return result;
Fetch API
Why? Cause JSON better than AJAX
// normal fetch return Promise<status>
fetch(url, options?)
.then(() => Promise<?>)
// other middlewares "then"
.then(() => {})
.catch(err => {})
// async + await
async function getData() {
const result = await fetch(url);
return result
// --- OPTIONS ---
method: "POST", // *GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.
mode: "cors", // no-cors, *cors, same-origin
cache: "no-cache", // *default, no-cache, reload, force-cache, only-if-cached
credentials: "same-origin", // include, *same-origin, omit
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
// 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
redirect: "follow", // manual, *follow, error
referrerPolicy: "no-referrer", // no-referrer, *no-referrer-when-downgrade, origin, origin-when-cross-origin, same-origin, strict-origin, strict-origin-when-cross-origin, unsafe-url
body: JSON.stringify(data), // body data type must match "Content-Type" header
Version (year) | Features |
ES1 (1997) | 1st edition |
ES2 (1998) | 2nd edition |
ES3 (1999) | RegEx | try/catch/finally | switch + case | do + while |
ES5 (2009) | "strict mode" | JSON Support | String.trim() | Array.isArray() | Array iteration methods |
ES6 (2015) | let & const | default param's values | Array.find() | Array.findIndex() |
ECMAScript 2016 | Exponential operator ** | Array.includes() |
ECMAScript 2017 | Object.entries() | Object.values() | async/await |
ECMAScript 2018 | Rest/Spread properties (...) | Asynchronous iteration | Promise.finally() |
ECMAScript 2019 | String.trimStart() | String.trimEnd() | Array.flat() | Object.formEntries() |
ECMAScript 2020 | Nullish Coalescing Operator ?? |
Document Object Model
- DOM Document
- Event Listener
element.addEventListener(eventName, callback, useCapture?)
element.removeEventListener(eventName, callback)
- Property:
- Node Properties
- Navigation
- li -> ul; li.parentNodechildNodes[index]
ul -> li(2); ul.childNodes[1]firstChild
div -> div (same order)previousSibling
- Nodes
- Root Nodes:
- put this inside elementelement.appendChild(node|elementChild)
element.insertBefore(markChild, newChild)
element.replaceChild(markChild, replaceChild)
- Root Nodes:
- HTMLCollection (live) - collection of elements:
- Node Lists (static) - collection of nodes:
HTML 'things' need JS react
- Common:
- List DOM events
Browser Object Model
- Windows size:
- Windows Methods:
- Screen:
-width | height | availWidth | availHeight | colorDepth | pixelDepth
- Location:
- js/js_window_location.aspprotocol
- https:assign(url)
- navigate to url
- History:
- count can negative, base on history stack - Navigator:
- Contains information about the visitor's browser.
- Some useful keys:
- API Geolocation
- Popup:
-> voidwindow.confirm(text)
-> booleanwindow.prompt(text, defaultValue)
-> string | null
- Time:
setTimeout(function, miliseconds)
- Execute 1 time after waitingclearTimeout(var_setTimeout)
setInterval(function, miliseconds)
- Loop execute aftermiliseconds
- Cookies:
- Cookie exp:'firstname="John";lastname="Doe";age:30'
- API Storage:
- clear after close brower tablocalStorage
- Methods:
- name of key _n_thgetItem(key)
setItem(key, val)
Web Workers
Independent JavaScript works behind the sences
let wwk;
function startWorker() {
if (typeof(Worker) == "undefined") {
// Web worker support!
wwk = new Worker("for_worker.js", {}); // {} is optional
wwk.onmessage = (e) => { // something here! }
function stopWorker() {
wwk = undefined; // reuse