- This document just show famous features
- Full docs here
import _ from 'lodash'; // common
import { func } from 'lodash'; // directly
// Using
_.func([], {});
type arr<T> = T[];
type newArr<T> = T[];
type identity<T> = string | (val: T) => any;
type comparator<T> = (val1: T, val2: T) => boolean;
minBy(arr, identity?) => any;
maxBy(arr, identity?) => any;
// mean & sum
mean(arr) => (sum(arr) / arr.length);
// meanBy & sumBy
meanBy(arr, identity) => any; // specific key
// start default is 0
// float default is false
// _.random(5) -> number between 0 and 5
random(start?: number, end: number, float?: boolean) => number[];
Base on Array methods: join, reverse
concat(arr[]) => newArr;
indexOf(arr, value: any, start?: number) => number | -1;
find(arr, identity?, fromIndex?: number) => any;
filter(arr, identity?) => newArr;
map(arr, identity) => newArr; // _.map([{value: 1, label: 'ok'}], 'label') => ['ok']
slice(arr, start?: number, end?: number) => newArr;
Features from lodash
// remove false, null, 0, "", undefined, NaN
// [0, 1, false, 2, '', 3] -> [1, 2, 3]
compact(arr) => newArr;
fill(arr | Array(len), value, start?, end?);
flatten(arr) => newArr;
flattenDeep(arr) => newArr; // destructure all nested arrays
flattenDepth(arr, depth: number) => newArr;
// union, xor
intersection(arr1, arr2) => newArr;
intersectionBy(arr1, arr2, identity) => newArr; // get data [and convert] then compare
intersectionWith(arr1, arr2, comparator) => newArr; // compare and push to result
uniq(arr) => newArr;
uniqBy(arr, identity) => newArr;
uniqWith(arr, comparator) => newArr;
// use pullAll or pullAllBy of pullAllWith if need
pull(arr, ...any);
remove(arr, identity) => removeItems: any[]; // mutates root array
without(arr, value: any[]) => newArr;
sortBy(arr, ...identity) => newArr;
// features
sample(arr: T[]) => T
sampleSize(arr: T[], size: number) => T[]
shuffle(arr: T[]) => newArr: T[]
Objects - Array
every(arr, identity) => boolean; // all true
some(arr, identity) => boolean; // any true
forEachRight(arr, identity); // forEach but right to left
countBy(arr, identity) => object; // _.countBy([6.1, 4.2, 6.3], Math.floor) => { '4': 1, '6': 2 }
groupBy(arr, identity) => object; // _.countBy([6.1, 4.2, 6.3], Math.floor) => { '4': [4.2], '6': [6.1, 6.3] }
// filter counter
reject(arr, identity) => newArr; // opposite of filter
clone(T) => T; // based on structuredClone, but properties like object or array has same address
cloneDeep(T) => T; // absolutely difference
Object - Utils
defaults(...T) => object; // assign multiple objects. Condition: if key has value, it not change
defaultsDeep(...T) => object; // assign deeper to object & array
keys(obj) => k[]
values(obj) => v[]
mapKeys(obj, (v, k, obj) => newKey);
// mapKeys({ a: 1, b: 2 }, (v, k) => k + v)
// => { 'a1': 1, 'b2': 2 }
mapValues(obj, (v, k, obj) => newVal);
// mapValues({ a: 1, b: 2 }, (v, k) => k + v)
// => { a: 'a1', b: 'b2' }
// user = { pet: [ { name: { firstName: '', lastName: '' } } ] }
// path:
// - string | 'pet[0].name.firstName'
// - string[] | ['pet', 0, 'name', 'firstName']
at(obj, path[]) => [];
has(obj, path) => boolean; // check if path existed
get(obj, path, defaultValue?) => any; // return value of defaultValue if undefined
set(obj, path, value);
update(obj, path, (v) => any); // update current object's value
unset(obj, path) => boolean; // delete key
assign(object, ...object); // based on Object.assign, update root object & override value
merge(object, ...object); // update root object & add key currently not existed to same position
// see: https://lodash.com/docs#merge
mergeWith(object, ...object, (objValue, srcValue, key, object, source, stack) => any);
omit(obj, path[]); // remove key
omitBy(obj, (v, k) => boolean);
pick(obj, path[]); // opposite of omit
pickBy(obj, (v, k) => boolean);
capitalize(text); // FOOBAR => Foobar
camelCase(text); // 'Foo Bar' | '__FOO_BAR__' => fooBar
kebabCase(text); // 'Foo Bar' | '__FOO_BAR__' => foo-bar
snakeCase(text); // 'Foo Bar' | '__FOO_BAR__' => foo_bar
startCase(text); // 'fooBar' | '__FOO_BAR__' => Foo Bar
deburr(text); // déjà vu => deja vu
escapse(text); // Convert special string to HTML entities
// third-party library: https://github.com/mathiasbynens/he
escapseRegExp(text); // Escapes the RegExp special characters
repeat(text, time); // repeat('abc', 3) => 'abcabcabc'
truncate(string, {
length: number,
omission: string, // default '...'
separator: string|RegExp, // ' ' or /,? +/
template(string, options) => ((obj) => string);
// See: https://lodash.com/docs#template
debounce(func, wait?: number, option?); // wait miliseconds after user stop interact then call func
delay(func, wait, args: any[]) // call func after wait miliseconds
defer(func, args: any[]) => string; // call func every 1000 miliseconds, args will put to func. Return timeId
once(func) => wrapFunc; // invoked one and only
wrap(func: (any) => any, (func, any) => any) => wrapFunc
isEmpty(any) => boolean; // Should use for check object & array
isEquals(obj, obj) => boolean; // Deep comparison
isNil(val) => boolean; // null or undefined
toArray(any) => any[]; // values(obj) | string -> string[] | !value -> []
Chain Sequences
// Lodash wrap and works like builder
// using
_(value).method1().method2((o) => o.abc).method3().value();
defaultTo(value, defaultValue); // return defaultValue if (!value is true)
uniqueId(prefix?: string); // uniqueId('contact_') -> contact_104
flow(func: Function[]) => wrapFunc;
// wrapFunc = flow([func1, func2, func3]);
// wrapFunc(a, b, c)
// --> func1(a, b, c) => [a1, b1, c1]
// --> func2([a1, b1, c1]) => { ab, bc, ca }
// --> func3({ ab, bc, ca }) => z
cond(validate[]) => wrapFunc;
// validate: [boolean, any];
// const wrapFunc = cond([
// [matches({ 'a': 10 }), 'matches A'],
// [stubTrue, 'no match'],
// ])
// wrapFunc({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2 }) => 'no match';
// RegExp
range(start?: number, end: number, step?: number) => number[];
// range(4) => [0, 1, 2, 3]
// range(0, 20, 5) => [0, 5, 10, 15]
times(n: number, identity) => any[];
// times(3, String) => ['0', '1', '2']
// times(4, constant(0)) => [0, 0, 0, 0]
// If you feel lodash not enough, but still want to use it
// Use this for give them brick