React Table
Current version: v8
Quick Start
npm install @tanstack/react-table
import { useReactTable } from '@tanstack/react-table';
const fallbackData = []
export default function MyComponent() {
//✅ GOOD: This will not cause an infinite loop of re-renders because `columns` is a stable reference
const columns = useMemo(() => [
// ...
], []);
//✅ GOOD: This will not cause an infinite loop of re-renders because `data` is a stable reference
const [data, setData] = useState(() => [
// ...
// Columns and data are defined in a stable reference, will not cause infinite loop!
const table = useReactTable({
data ?? fallbackData, //also good to use a fallback array that is defined outside of the component (stable reference)
return <table>...</table>;
type TData = {}
// base on current data.
// Exp: User = { name: string, age: number, jobs?: string }
// plain-text, should wrap by useMemo
type ColumnDef = {
id?: string, // OPTIONAL if using accessorKey or header is string
// assign accessor for sorting & filtering
accessorKey?: string,
accessorFn?: (originalRow: TData, index: number) => any,
columns?: ColumnDef<TData>[], // sub-cols
header?: string | (({
table: Table<TData>,
header: Header<TData>,
column: Column<TData>
}) => unknown), // if not provider, header is "id" | "accessor"
footer?: string | (({
table: Table<TData>,
header: Header<TData>,
column: Column<TData>
}) => unknown),
cell?: string | (({
table: Table<TData>,
row: Row<TData>,
column: Column<TData>,
cell: Cell<TData>,
getValue: () => any,
renderValue: () => any,
}) => unknown),
meta?: object // all value will put into column.columnDef.meta
Tanstack introduce createColumnHelper
to works with core table & highest type-safety
// Define your row shape
type Person = {
firstName: string
lastName: string
age: number
visits: number
status: string
progress: number
const columnHelper = createColumnHelper<Person>()
// Make some columns!
const defaultColumns = [
// Display Column
id: 'actions',
cell: props => <RowActions row={props.row} />,
// Grouping Column{
header: 'Name',
columns: [
// Accessor Column
columnHelper.accessor('firstName', {
cell: info => info.getValue(),
// Accessor Column
columnHelper.accessor(row => row.lastName, {
id: 'lastName',
cell: info => info.getValue(),
header: () => <span>Last Name</span>,
// Grouping Column{
header: 'Info',
columns: [
// Accessor Column
columnHelper.accessor('age', {
header: () => 'Age',
// Grouping Column{
header: 'More Info',
columns: [
// Accessor Column
columnHelper.accessor('visits', {
header: () => <span>Visits</span>,
// Accessor Column
columnHelper.accessor('status', {
header: 'Status',
// Accessor Column
columnHelper.accessor('progress', {
header: 'Profile Progress',
columnHelper.accessor('name.first', {
id: 'firstName'
columnHelper.accessor(row => `${row.firstName} ${row.lastName}`, {
id: 'fullName',
// OR
accessorKey: 'dob',
accessorKey: 'name.first',
id: 'firstName'
id: 'fullName',
accessorFn: row => `${row.firstName} ${row.lastName}`,
type TableState = VisibilityTableState &
ColumnOrderTableState &
ColumnPinningTableState &
FiltersTableState &
SortingTableState &
ExpandedTableState &
GroupingTableState &
ColumnSizingTableState &
PaginationTableState &
type PartialState = Partial<TableState>;
type Updater<T> = T | (old: T) => T;
type useReactTable = <TData extends AnyData>({
data: TData[],
columns: ColumnDef<TData>[],
defaultColumn?: Partial<ColumnDef<TData>>, // show some cols before render initial
autoResetAll?: boolean,
initialState?: PartialState,
state?: PartialState,
onStateChange: (updater: Updater<TableState>) => void, // setTableState
meta?: object, // table.options.meta
getCoreRowModel: (table: Table<TData>) => () => RowModel<TData>,
getSubRow?: (originalRow: TData, index: number) => undefined | TData[],
getRowId?: (originalRow: TData, index: number, parent?: Row<TData>) => string
}) => Table<TData>
// some development props ignore.
// Full list here:
type Table<T> = {
initialState: TableState,
reset: () => void, // tableState -> initialState
getState: () => TableState,
setState: (updater: Updater<TableState>) => void,
getCoreRowModel: () => {
rows: Row<TData>[],
flatRows: Row<TData>[],
rowsById: Record<string, Row<TData>>,
getRowModel: () => {
rows: Row<TData>[],
flatRows: Row<TData>[],
rowsById: Record<string, Row<TData>>,
}, // final model after all features applied
getAllColumns: () => Column<TData>[],
getAllFlatColumns: () => Column<TData>[], // flatten all sub-cols
getAllLeafColumns: () => Column<TData>[], // omit all parent cols
getColumn: (id: string) => Column<TData> | undefined,
getHeaderGroups: () => HeaderGroups<TData>[],
getFooterGroups: () => HeaderGroups<TData>[],
getFlatHeader: () => Header<TData>[], // flatten all sub-headers
getLeafHeader: () => Header<TData>[], // omit all parent headers
// get
// pinning? + <Left|Center|Right>
// hasSubHeaders? + <Flat|Leaf> >> () => Header<TData>[]
// + <Header|Footer>
getLeftHeaderGroups: () => HeaderGroups<TData>[],
getCenterHeaderGroups: () => HeaderGroups<TData>[],
getRightHeaderGroups: () => HeaderGroups<TData>[]
type Column = {
id: string,
depth: number, // group
accessorFn?: (originalRow: TData, index: number) => any,
columnDef: ColumnDef<TData>, // current col
columns: ColumnDef<TData>[], // all cols
parent?: Column<TData>,
getFlatColumns: () => Column<TData>[],
getLeafColumns: () => Column<TData>[],
type Header = {
id: string,
index: number,
depth: number,
column: Column<TData>,
headerGroup: HeaderGroup<TData>,
subHeaders: Header<TData>[],
colSpan: number,
rowSpan: number,
getLeafHeaders: () => Header<TData>[],
isPlaceholder: boolean,
placeholderId?: string,
getContext: () => {
table: Table<TData>,
header: Header<TData, TValue>,
column: Column<TData, TValue>,
}, // flexRender(header.column.columnDef.header, header.getContext())
type HeaderGroup = {
id: string,
depth: number,
headers: Header<TData>[]
type Row = {
id: string,
depth: number,
index: number,
original: TData,
parentId?: string,
getValue: (columnId: string) => TValue,
getUniqueValues: (columnId: string) => TValue[], // if that col is arr
renderValue: (columnId: string) => TValue,
getAllCells: () => Cell<TData>[],
// View more props to handle subRows
type Cell = {
id: string,
column: Column<TData, TValue>
row: Row<TData>
getValue: () => TTValue
renderValue: () => TTValue | null,
getContext: () => {
table: Table<TData>
column: Column<TData, TValue>
row: Row<TData>
cell: Cell<TData, TValue>
getValue: <TTValue = TValue,>() => TTValue
renderValue: <TTValue = TValue,>() => TTValue | null
} // flexRender(cell.column.columnDef.cell, cell.getContext())