- Leaner Style Sheets is a backwards-compatible language extension for CSS.
- Link: Less.js
Add to devDependencies
of package.json
: npm i less --save-dev
Add to browser:
<link rel="stylesheet/less" type="text/css" href="styles.less" />
<script src="less.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
@width: 10px;
@height: @width + 10px;
#header {
width: @width;
height: @height;
@min768: ~'(min-width: 768px)'; // Escaping
@min768: (min-width: 768px); // Escaping - Less 3.5+
// numbers are converted into the same units
@conversion-1: 5cm + 10mm; // result is 6cm
@conversion-2: 2 - 3cm - 5mm; // result is -1.5cm
// conversion is impossible
@incompatible-units: 2 + 5px - 3cm; // result is 4px
// example with variables
@base: 5%;
@filler: @base * 2; // result is 10%
@other: @base + @filler; // result is 15%
Both id
& class
can be a mixins
.bordered {
border-top: dotted 1px black;
border-bottom: solid 2px black;
#menu a {
color: #111;
.post a {
color: red;
// Alias mixin with variables
#theme.dark.navbar {
.colors(light) {
primary: purple;
.colors(dark) {
primary: black;
secondary: grey;
.navbar {
@colors: #theme.dark.navbar.colors(dark); // NOTE HERE!
background: @colors[primary];
border: 1px solid @colors[secondary];
Structure: .mixin(params) when [not] (condition 1) [and | ,] (condition n) { ... }
.mixin(@a) when (lightness(@a) >= 50%) {
background-color: black;
.mixin(@a) when (lightness(@a) < 50%) {
background-color: white;
.mixin(@a) {
color: @a;
.class1 {
.class2 {
.class1 {
background-color: black;
color: #ddd;
.class2 {
background-color: white;
color: #555;
.component {
width: 300px;
padding: 10%;
.logo {
max-width: 50%;
&-fluid {
// component-fluid
padding: 10px;
@media (min-width: 768px) {
width: 600px;
@media (min-resolution: 192dpi) {
background-image: url(/img/retina2x.png);
@media (min-width: 1280px) {
width: 800px;
@base: #f04615;
@width: 0.5;
.class {
width: percentage(@width); // returns `50%`
color: saturate(@base, 5%);
background-color: spin(lighten(@base, 25%), 8);
- Logical:
- if:
attribute: if(condition, T_return, F_return);
- boolean:
@variable: boolean(compare)
- support for if
- if:
- String
- escape | e:
@variable: escape(string_to_escape)
- return content without quotes | undefined
- escape | e:
- List - Example:
@list: "banana", "tomato", "potato", "peach";
- length:
n: length(@list);
-> 4 - extract:
value: extract(@list, 3);
-> potato - range:
value: range(10px, 30px, 10);
-> 10px 20px 30px - each:
- length:
@selectors: blue, green, red;
each(@selectors, {
.sel-@{value} {
a: b;
@set: {
one: blue;
two: green;
three: red;
.set {
each(@set, {
@{key}-@{index}: @value;
.sel-blue {
a: b;
.sel-green {
a: b;
.sel-red {
a: b;
.set {
one-1: blue;
two-2: green;
three-3: red;
- Math
ceil(2.4) -> 3
floor(2.6) -> 2
percentage(0.5) -> 50%
round(1.67) -> 2; round(1.67, 1) -> 1.7
sqrt(25cm) -> 5cm
- keep unitabs(-18.25%) -> 18.25%
- keep unit- sin(theta), cos(theta), tan(theta) - asin(x), acos(x), atan(x)
- pi()
pow(a, b) -> a ^ b
- keep first's unitmod(a, b) -> a % b
- keep first's unit- min(...vals); max(...vals)
- Type
is[type] - Exp: isnumber
- number, string, color, keyword, url,
- pixel, em, percentage
- unit, ruleset, defined
- Misc
- color(color_string) -> parse color
- image-size(url) -> height width - image-height(url); image-width(url);
- convert(value_with_unit, new_unit) - Exp:
convert(9s, "ms") // 9000ms
- data-uri([mimetype], url) -> url("encoded_img")
Namespaces & Accessors
#bundle() {
// () is mark this as namespace
.button {
display: block;
border: 1px solid black;
background-color: grey;
&:hover {
background-color: white;
.tab {
.citation {
.border-radius(@radius: 5px) {
-webkit-border-radius: @radius;
-moz-border-radius: @radius;
border-radius: @radius;
// Using
#header a {
color: orange;
#bundle.button(); // can also be written as #bundle > .button
.content {
.first-row {
.border-radius(); // default is 5px
.second-row {
.mixin(@color) {
color-1: @color;
.mixin(@color, @padding: 2) {
color-2: @color;
padding-2: @padding;
.mixin(@color, @padding, @margin: 2) {
color-3: @color;
padding-3: @padding;
margin: @margin @margin @margin @margin;
.some .selector div {
.some .selector div {
color-1: #008000;
color-2: #008000;
padding-2: 2;
Version: Less 3.5+
#colors() {
primary: blue;
secondary: green;
.button {
color: #colors[primary];
border: 1px solid #colors[secondary];
@import 'library'; // library.less
@import 'typo.css';
Tips & Tricks
apply for all configs in mixins@arguments
in mixins@rest...
get others arguments in.mixins(@first, @rest...)